Tag Archives: Invitations for submissions

Happy Holidays!

December 17, 2012

Dear Mujeres Talk Readers and Contributors,

As of today, we are on holiday break. We will resume our weekly Monday publication schedule on Monday, January 7, 2013.

We invite you read over this past year’s essays and, if so moved, to comment, during this holiday break. We thank you deeply for generously sharing your valuable critical insights as writers and readers on Mujeres Talk. In this first year of publishing on a weekly basis, Mujeres Talk posted new blog essays on 46 weeks of the year featuring 53 authors. Writers for Mujeres Talk have spanned a wide spectrum — from those just starting out in college to retired and eminent scholars of Chicana/Latina studies, community activists, artists and professionals.

We invite everyone to submit essays or essay ideas for 2013!

Most of all, we on the Mujeres Talk Editorial Collective wish you and yours a very joyous holiday season!