Tag Archives: Petition

Petition in Support of Ethnic Studies in AZ

June 4, 2012

A Message from MALCS Member Alvina Quintana:

Subject: Superintendent Huppenthal, Stop attacking Mexican American
Studies & reinstate TUSD’s MAS program

Hello MALCS Members and Friends,

Huppenthal has eliminated a successful Mexican American Studies in
Tucson Unified School District, and is now calling for a ban on
Mexican American Studies in AZ’s public universities. The state should
not be telling students what they cannot read and professors what they
cannot teach.

We provide asylum to students and professors in whose countries books,
curriculum, and ideas are banned.  Huppenthal’s actions violate the
most basic spirit of our country’s founding principles.

That’s why I signed a petition to John Huppenthal, AZ State
Superintendent of Public Instruction and TUSD Board of Education.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:



Alvina Quintana is on the faculty at the University of Delaware where she is an Associate Professor of Women’s Studies. Her web page is: http://alvinaquintana.com/


Mujeres Talk Moderator    June 4, 2012 at 10:33 AM

Thanks Alvina! I signed.

Petition to Governor to Sign CA Dream Act

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

From:      Educators for Immigrant Rights
Subject:  Petition to Governor to Sign CA Dream Act

October 2, 2011

Dear Colleague:

We are writing you to ask you to join this petition to urge Governor Brown to sign AB 131, The California Dream Act Part II. AB 131 would make undocumented/AB 540 students eligible for Cal Grants and other state financial aid for college. This bill was passed by the state legislature and has been on the governor’s desk since September 13. Governor Brown has one week — until October 9 to — take action and he is receiving much pressure from conservatives to veto the bill. As educational professionals, we see that financial aid is a formidable obstacle faced by undocumented youth in their pursuit of higher education. AB 131 would help thousands of undocumented students attend college and contribute to California’s future prosperity. This is an important step in the fight for social justice in California.

There are two ways that you can pressure Governor Brown to sign this important piece of legislation.  First, open the attached letter and click on the link (http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/2119/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=8269) to add your name to the list of signatories. To present your perspective as an educator, please feel free to cut and paste the letter included here into the letter box to be sent to the Governor. Secondly, please forward this email to five other educators urging them to do the same.

Dear Governor Brown:
We are educators in California signing in support of AB131.  We teach children from infancy through college and see every day how undocumented students are engaged in our society, how they contribute and want to expand their active participation in civic life. We watch our students grow and strive towards an education in spite of the enormous obstacles they face. Too often we lose students because they are stopped in their tracks when they are denied access to a higher education. There are kids who are leaders in their schools, achieving success in their classrooms, contributing to their families and building their communities. We witness that financial need is the single largest obstacle faced by undocumented students in their transition from high school to college, especially in this time of rising educational costs.
AB131 is not just about helping students, it is about helping ourselves as a state. California has invested in providing education to these young people for up to 12 years. It doesn’t make sense to stop now and throw away that investment. In order to rebuild California’s strength we will need to educate all of our young people. Education should be a right for all Californians regardless of their place of birth or immigration status.
For all of these reasons we stand united in support of AB 131. We urge you to follow the legislature in passing this bill by signing AB 131. Help these dreamers achieve their dreams. We all will benefit by opening the door for these young people to continue their paths to success.

We have less than one week to pressure Governor Brown to do the right thing. Let’s mobilize to ensure that AB131 becomes California law!

Educators for Immigrant Rights

Cynthia Cortez
College Adviser
Destination College Advising Corps at Silverado HS

Jesse Henderson
Real Estate Consultant

Ester Hernandez
Associate Professor of Chicano Studies
California State University Los Angeles

Paige Leven
Ed Roybal Learning Center (HS) LAUSD

Alejandra Marchevsky
Professor of Liberal Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies
California State University Los Angeles

Enrique Ochoa
Professor of History and Latin American Studies
California State University Los Angeles

Francesca Ochoa
Retired Middle School Teacher
Fred M. Sparks Middle School, HLPUSD

Gilda Ochoa
Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a-Latino/a Studies
Pomona College

Maria Gutierrez de Soldatenko
Professor of Chicano/a Studies
Pitzer College

Michael Soldatenko
Professor of Chicano Studies
California State University Los Angeles